Bank Accounts

Bank Accounts can be used as a funding source (Direct Debit/ACH) or as a Disbursement destination. Bank Accounts are associated with Users.

When creating a Bank Account, an :id is returned. You need to store the :id (and not the bank account details) against the user on your platform. When using a Bank Account as a funding source, the relevant :id is passed to the make_payment Item Action call. Additionally a Direct Debit Authority needs to be created in order for a Bank Account to be used as a funding source.

A Bank Account can also be set as a Disbursement destination. If set, the funds in a User’s Wallet Account will be disbursed to the Bank Account.

A Bank Account is required for all Users set as a seller even if they wish to use a PayPal Account as their Disbursement destination.

Penny credit verification is only supported for US platforms. When penny verification is enabled on a platform, it is required for all new bank accounts.