Validate PayTo Agreement

Validate PayTo agreement details before creation. This operation must be invoked first, followed by the “Create PayTo Agreement” operation.

This operation validates the details of the agreements along with ensuring the debtor and creditor are NPP and PayTo reachable before the actual agreement creation with NPPA.

PayID details provided for the debtor are also resolved as part of this operation. Customers should share the resolved PayID details with their users for confirmation before the actual agreement creation.

Post successful validation, agreement UUID is returned in the response which uniquely identifies the agreement. This UUID should be used in subsequent API calls for that particular agreement.

Note - Zai may reformat the debtor account number if it is not as per the format expected by payer institutions. Reformatted debtor account number can be accessed either via GET PayTo Agreement Details API after the validation step or via WAPI notification sent by Zai after successful agreement creation step.

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