
This section covers all Zai's asynchronous APIs.

These APIs have the same method of authentication. Both your Live (production) and Pre-live (sandbox) platforms can be managed by accessing the Zai Dashboard at https://dashboard.hellozai.com/.
For more details, see our Environments guide.


Please note

When you go to the Zai Dashboard, you'll need to select either Live or Pre-live. The Live environment is for production use only. Use Pre-live to test your integration.

API endpoints

To access the Pre-live (sandbox) environment hosting asynchronous endpoints:
URL: https://test.tnq.api.assemblypay.com/

To access the Live (production) environment hosting asynchronous endpoints:
URL: https://tnq.api.assemblypay.com/


This section contains the Asynchronous API specifications in [JSON]
(https://api.swaggerhub.com/apis/AssemblyPlatforms/assembly-async-api/1.0.0/swagger.json) and YAML formats.