Enumeration Values

This page lists possible values for different enumeration type fields specified in the APIs

Transaction Type

Appears as transaction_type or type
Exists in the following APIs and when these object are returned:

  • batch_transactions
  • transactions


  • payment
  • return
  • refund
  • release
  • disbursement
  • fee
  • deposit
  • withdrawal
  • payment_funding
  • misc

Transaction Type Method

Appears as transaction_type_method or type_method
Exists in the following APIs and when these objects are returned:

  • batch_transactions
  • transactions


  • direct_debit
  • credit_card
  • npp_payin
  • bpay
  • wallet_account_transfer
  • direct_credit
  • wire_transfer
  • misc

The table below explains the valid combinations of these two fields:

Transaction TypeTransaction Type MethodNotes
paymentcredit_cardAppears in a transactions object for a credit card payment
paymentwallet_account_transferAppears in a transactions object when making a payment from a wallet account to an item
paymentwire_transferAppears in a transactions object for a wire transfer payment
paymentdirect_debitAppears in a transactions and batch_transactions object for a direct debit payment
disbursementdirect_creditAppears in a transactions and batch_transactions object for a direct credit disbursement
disbursementbpayAppears in a batch_transactions object for a bpay disbursement
disbursementmiscAppears in a transactions object for a bpay disbursement
depositbpayAppears in a transactions object for a bpay payin (deposit)
depositnpp_payinAppears in a transactions object for a npp payin (deposit)
depositdirect_creditAppears in a transactions object for a virtual account (deposit)
bpaybpayAppears in a batch_transactions object for a bpay payin for tracking the cases of bpay_pending and successful for the batch transactions of a BPAY payin
refundcredit_cardAppears in a transactions object for refunding a credit card
refundwallet_account_transferAppears in a transactions object for refunding an item
feewallet_account_transferAppears in a transactions object for fees collection
payment_fundingcredit_cardAppears in a batch_transactions object when settlement of credit card funds happens to the item payee/seller
withdrawalmiscAppears in a transactions object and relates to a wallet account credit from item
withdrawaldirect_creditAppears in a transactions object and relates to deposit funds APIs where funds are deposited into a wallet from a bank account
releasewallet_account_transferAppears in a transactions object and relates to an item debit to wallet account
miscmiscAppears in a transactions object relates to credit to Assembly/PromisePay from a wallet account

Account Type

Appears as account_type_id in accounts payload and has the following values

Digital Wallet2000
Item Account3000
Bank Account9100
Card Account9200
BPAY Account9700