Input Formats

Bank account formats by country

When using the Create Bank Account API call, the following formats are required for each of the specified countries below. If a country you are trying to send or receive money from is not listed below, please let us know through Assembly support.


Routing number = 6-digit Australian bank-state-branch (BSB) number
Account number = bank account number

New Zealand

Routing number = None
Account number = Complete New Zealand bank code (consisting of the 6-digit New Zealand bank prefix + 7-digit bank account number + 2- or 3-digit account type)

United States

Routing number = 9-digit US routing number
Account number = bank account number

International payments

Routing number = 8- to 11-character [SWIFT code]
Account number = bank account number or up to 34 alphanumeric character IBAN
If you have an Australian or New Zealand bank account and are trying to receive money from overseas, please contact Assembly support to assist you.