HTTP Error Codes
The following table lists some common HTTP status codes which you may encounter when using our API calls. Refer to the information for guidance when you encounter an unfamiliar error.
Please handle all 4xx error codes as client browser error responses and 5xx error codes as server error responses.
Please do note that there are other 4xx and 5xx status codes which should be managed as exceptions.
Status | Description |
200 OK | The request was successfully processed. |
201 Created | The request successfully created an entry (which could be a user, item, bank account, etc.) |
400 Bad Request | Some invalid information is passed in the request. Example - URL is malformed (missing the needed path params) |
401 Unauthorized | The request could not be processed due to missing or invalid authentication credentials |
403 Forbidden | The request could not be granted due to access restrictions. See the API response for guidance. |
404 Not Found | The information requested was not found. Ensure that you have entered the correct details for your request. |
408 Request Timeout | The request took too long to be sent from your client to our servers. Please check your internet connection before you try again. |
409 Conflict | The request cannot be processed as it conflicts with the current state of entity (example - virtual account already exists for a wallet and an attempt is made to create a new one again for the same wallet). |
422 Unprocessable Entity | The request could not be processed because some fields require your input or correction. See the API response for guidance. |
424 Failed Dependency | An error occurred processing your request. Please contact support providing this reference: {correlation ID} |
500 Internal Server Error | An unexpected error was encountered. |
502 Bad Gateway | There is a problem communicating between servers. Please try again after a few minutes. |
503 Service Unavailable | Our servers are currently down or unable to process your request. See our Status page for updates. |
504 Gateway Timeout | The request took too long to be sent between servers. Please try again after a few minutes or see our Status page for updates. |
515 Service Temporarily Unavailable | We are unable to process your request at the moment, please try again later. |
516 Service Unavailable | We encountered an error with our provider [correlation-id]. Please contact our support team. |
Continue to receive errors?
If you continue to receive the above errors and require assistance to diagnose, please contact our support team at
Updated almost 3 years ago